Shortcutting your jetbrains (Windows only)

Here’s a list of several shortcuts with some explanations of why they are useful. I’ll try to list them in order of usefulness. There are very few navigation shortcuts in here, and I will hopefully make a new post that outlines all the navigation shortcuts that I’m not currently using.

The Basics

Shortcut Function
Shift + F6 Rename Variable
Ctrl + P List function parameters
Ctrl + Space Trigger autocomplete manually

These are the basic shortcuts everyone should really be using. Rename variable and alt + enter are probably the most useful. List function parameters is a recent one I’ve learned that is handy a lot. Autocomplete allows for grabbing methods without having to look at the function itself etc.

Basic Editor Movements

Shortcut Function
Alt + Up/Down Arrows Move line Up/Down
Alt + J Grab next occurance of whatever is highlighted
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrows Skip to next word

This set lets you move things around. Alt + J and combined with Ctrl + arrows lets you skip between things in multiple lines and apply whatever is needed - good for mass editing. Moving lines up and down is slightly faster than cut/paste and looks a little bit fancier.

Refactoring Shortcuts - The Core

Shortcut Function
Alt + Enter Fix some kind of warning/error, Other functionality
Ctrl + Alt + M Extract Method
Ctrl + Alt + N Inline Variable
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract Variable
Ctrl + Alt + P Extract Parameter
Ctrl + Alt + F Extract Field

Most of the refactoring shortcuts are ctrl + alt + some command. If you want to learn one shortcut only, remember the first one. That shortcut (alt + enter) will allow for a lot of functionality that is built-in to the editor.

General Search Window Shortcuts

The general search window is very useful and can be displayed by using shift + shift. There are shortcuts to go to each individual tab as detailed below.

Shortcut Function
Double Click Shift Search Window
Ctrl + N Go to Class
Ctrl + Shift + N Go To Files
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go To Symbols

Basic Editor Moving Around

Moving around in the editor, these shortcuts are used frequently. The goto error and previous error is especially useful to find compile errors. It’s also possible to jump between methods.

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + B Go to Declarations or Usages
Alt + Up Previous Method
Alt + Down Next Method
F2 Go to Next Error
Shift + F2 Go To Previous Error

Goto by Reference Actions

I use goto declaration or usage frequently, and need to start trying some of the other shortcuts in here more frequently.

Shortcut Function
Alt + Home Jump to Navigation Bar
Ctrl + B Go to Declaration or Usages
Ctrl + Alt + B Go to Implementations
Ctrl + Shift + B Go To Type Declaration
Ctrl + Shift + T Go To Test
Ctrl + F12 File Structure
Ctrl + Alt + F12 File Path